


Bend and adapting pieceFixed flanges of piping componentsPiping lines in heating plantBasalt T-pieces after manufacturingPiping element - hopper with basalt liningJs 700 mmBasalt Tiles - HopperVarious encased piecesKompenzátoryRedukcePower plant slag duct - basalt liningPiping linesAbrasion resistant and chemically resistant basalt pipe - seweragePiping lines in power plant - basalt liningDopravnk-zsobnk na devn tpku Basalt tiles - abrasion resistant linerNákres řešení 3DAbrasion resistant and chemically resistant basalt pipe 1Abrasion resistant and chemically resistant basalt pipe 2Basalt gutter in worm conveyorPiping bends and tubesT-piece with internal basalt


EUTIT s. r. o.,
Slévárna čediče a eucoru

IČO: 47714930
DIČ: CZ47714930

č.p. 196
353 01 Stará Voda