Anti-slipping pavements

Anti-slipping and practical types of basalt pavements are suitable:

  • for industrial and exterior use, mainly in wet and slippery operations, for milk filling plant and dairy rooms in milking plants, for floors, where oil drops occur, for walk-on surfaces of wet operations, on dispatching platforms, very inclined platforms or footways.

Anti-slipping floors

Locksmith operation floor made from anti-slipping pavementMilking plant anti-slipping floorChodník protikluz CFloor in breweryPivovar Cvikov filtraceExpedin rampaČOV PolskoHotel DUO wellness, protiskluz DPivovar Cvikov spilkyChodník protiskluz CWalkway made from anti-slipping pavementSlip-resistant type B, ramp front of the housePivovar Cvikov detailWellness Hotelu DUO BeskydySlip-resistant type B, ramp front of the housePivovar Cvikov sanitacePivovar Cvikov ležácký sklep1Blacksmith shop anti-slipping floor


EUTIT s. r. o.,
Slévárna čediče a eucoru

IČO: 47714930
DIČ: CZ47714930

č.p. 196
353 01 Stará Voda